PoC Terms

  • Morro Data offers free PoC for 30 days for customers to validate the solution against their use cases. ​ 
  • The PoC customer is responsible to complete the “Morro Data Customer System Survey Form” to collect network and application information related to the use case 


  • The free PoC offer includes (1) Up to 3 Virtual CacheDrives, (2) Morro Data CloudNAS Service Plan for up to 3 devices, and up to 1TB of cloud capacity in the first billing cycle (30 days). 


  • A PoC kickoff meeting between customer(user) and Morro Data(provider) is required.  


  • In case of hardware CacheDrive devices and or additional time needed for the PoC, you would need to contact your Account Manager for options. Additional paid services including but not limited to: Payments for additional VMs or CacheDrive hardware, Additional Cloud Storage, and Cloud Egress. 
  • Customers have the option to continue the service and convert the PoC account to paid production account to save time on initial deployment and data onboarding. 
  • Customers may use this free PoC only once. 
  • The free PoC offer is available to all potential Morro Data customers as an option. Morro Data reserves the right to change this PoC term without notice.